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economic stagnation中文是什么意思

用"economic stagnation"造句"economic stagnation"怎么读"economic stagnation" in a sentence


  • 经济停滞
  • 经济萧条


  • It is very difficult to get a job in the current society of economic stagnation
  • Tokyo that spring was a city mired in its ninth consecutive year of economic stagnation
  • Due to prolonged economic stagnation , ito - yokado lessened job openings from over 1 , 000 to some 680 this year
  • After a period of economic stagnation caused by the united nations embargo on trade with china , hong kong began to industrialise
  • The quarter - point increase marked an end to the rich world ' s longest economic stagnation since the great depression
    将利率提高0 . 25 %标志着这个富裕国家结束了它自大萧条以来历时最长的经济停滞。
  • Those efforts suffered a severe blow in 1998 - 2002 , when the region suffered financial turmoil and economic stagnation
  • A world in which most people enjoy prosperity and opportunity is surely better than one in which 80 % are mired in economic stagnation
    一个多数人享有繁荣和机会的世界一定好于一个在经济停滞中80 %人陷入困窘的世界。
  • These policies drive away investment and degenerate toward economic stagnation , capital flight , and entrepreneurial emigration . china s development policies have taken a different path
  • In the long run , such policies can be economically dangerous because they allow domestic producers to continue producing less efficiently and eventually lead to economic stagnation
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"economic stagnation"造句  



Economic stagnation or economic immobilism, often called simply stagnation or immobilism, is a prolonged period of slow economic growth (traditionally measured in terms of the GDP growth), usually accompanied by high unemployment. Under some definitions, "slow" means significantly slower than potential growth as estimated by experts in macroeconomics.
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